Saturday 12 May 2007

Should we continue the use of death penalty?

(Paragraphing cant be made due to technical error.Sorry for the inconveniece caused)
Death penalty or capital punishment is the execution of a convicted criminal for certain crimes. The crimes it is used as punishment for differ from country to country. The crimes I am talking about today will be those committed against other human beings and not of political or religious nature. As this punishment involve the taking of human lives, its usage in today societies is widely contested.
Today proponents of capital punishment have given various reasons for the continued practice of the punishment in today judicial system.
One reason given is that the punishment acts as a deterrent to the most heinous crimes such as premeditated murder or kidnapping. They reasoned, that would-be- offenders knowing their actions will result in their demise would think twice about committing such crimes.
Furthermore, they argued that criminals who committed such acts are cold and cruel. By committing such crimes, these show that these criminals spare no thoughts towards their victims. Thus, the punishment in this case should spare no thoughts towards its perpetrators and instead bring swift justice to them.
Moreover, they explained the families and friends of the victims deserved the closure they would receive from the death of the criminals.
However, opponents of capital punishment have also given many reasons to support their case.
Firstly, they questioned the effectiveness of capital punishment to deter crimes. They cited that the number of cases of capital crimes committed in Switzerland is lower that the United States of America even though the former does not mete out capital punishment. Thus, do such punishments actually discourage would-be-criminals or would it make them even more methodical in their planning.
Next, they stressed that capital punishment would not only hurt the criminals’ families but might also not bring any relief to the victims’ families. Thus, while the objective of punishing the criminals is achieved, it never brings any closure to the victims’ families but even resulted in the suffering of the criminals’ families. As Mahatma Gandhi said, an eye for an eye makes the world go blind.
Lastly, they brought out the issue of executing innocent people. The judicial system is not perfect thus people maybe punished wrongfully. If evidences pointing to the innocence of the convicts surfaced after they are executed, it would bring unfathomable anguish to their families but also an immense sense of guilt to the victims’ families.
So should we continue the usage of death penalties? My answer is a resounding yes.
Firstly, the punishments meted out for crimes should reflect the severity of the crimes committed. Such heinous crimes are the most severe one could commit against his or her fellow men. Thus, it is fair that the most severe punishment be given to him or her.
Furthermore, criminals fully knowing the consequence of their actions beforehand, choose to commit their crimes. This not only shows their contempt of law and order, but their disregard of the rights and well being of their fellow men. Thus, punishment by death is in this case justified.
Lastly, we must also consider the alternatives form of punishments and whether they are more suitable than capital punishment. For example, people argued that lifelong imprisonment is more humane and bring less harm. However, consider this. Does the harm suffered by the criminals’ families knowing their family member is forever denied a future and is forced to spend a life rotting in prison any lesser than the pain suffered by the same family seeing their member being hanged? Does the victims’ family benefit better knowing the criminals is locked behind bar but is still living and may escape or even be released on parole or would they feel more relieved in knowing the criminals is dead and gone once and for all? Thus, I believed death penalty is not inhumane as other people think for it suits the seriousness of the crime committed.
However, the current capital punishment can be improved. The more important issue is to spend more time, money and effort in the investigation and judging process to minimize the risk of innocent people being executed.